Friday, January 20, 2012

Miracle Mabry { Newborn }

I had the honor to photograph this little miracle and her sweet family last year. Below is Mabry's amazing story written by her parents. 

Our little one entered the world in a less than conventional way. The umbilical cord prolapsed while Josh and I were at home. My water broke and a caught about 4 inches of the cord in my hand - felt her heartbeat through it and it was by far the scariest experience of our lives. EMS made it to our house in 5 minutes and when we got to the hospital it was door to baby in less than 7 minutes. What we found out later was the amazing part. Dr. Russell, our OB beat us to the hospital and there was a woman who had been pushing the latter part of Wednesday Aug 17th and they decided to schedule a c section for her that night. B/c of that there were 3 anesthesiologists there at the hospital after 11 that night. Also, Mabry's pediatrician that we chose 2 days prior was called to this woman to check her baby after her c section. Dr. Makres, who has been practicing for over 31 years has never carried his pager when he has been called out to the hospital b/c he lives so close to the hospital. Needless to say he carried it that night and as he was walking to his car he received a page from Dr. Russell saying that he was needed. Mabry's apgar scores were 0 3 and 3. They determined that she had been without oxygen for approx 6 minutes. She was not expected to live through transport to UT Medical Center NICU but they were the closest hospital with the cooling bed rehab she needed. She spent 8 days at that NICU and Josh and I left Bristol that Friday to stay at the Ronald McDonald House. We then stayed at the Niswonger Children's Hospital NICU for 9 days. She's been on a vent, chest tube, dialysis cath, foley cath, PICC line, TPN, lipids, antibiotics, versed, morphine, and antiseizure medication. Currently she has normal kidneys, liver, off vent and breathing without any O2 support, urine and poopers output is right on track and she's breastfeeding. She hasn't had the first seizure and her MRI was normal. Josh and I petitioned our church family to pray early on and know that without the fervent prayers from the body of Christ our little girl would not be with us today. We have prayed and asked others to pray specifically for items concerning her health and have seen those issues resolved by the next day. We truly have a miracle child and are so thankful for all God is doing in her life.